Amazing Tinkerbell Wallpapers

Everybody knows that our favorite fairy, is the best friend of the one boy that never grows up. We all know the magnificent adventures that Peter pan had with Wendy, John and Michel had in the wonderful place called Never land. Wendy was a young girl that loved telling stories to her 2 younger brothers about a strange boy that fights the terrible Captain Hook. Peter along with the lost boys made it a daily challenge to play pranks on the evil pirate A tiny girl called Tinkerbell is the only girl that is allowed in the Lost boy group. One night Peter missed the mainlands and went back to see what it was like. He found an open window where a girl and two boys were role playing, while the girl told a story about a boy that fought pirates as a game. He followed the right star and straight on till morning. He told the story to the lost boys and went back every night to listen to the girl's stories. Our favorite fai...