Medieval Wallpapers

Medieval HD Desktop Wallpapers & Backgrounds The medieval times is speculated by many people to be the dark time where magic ruled and man defeated the magical creatures and banished them to purgatory. We are unsure about certain details that happened in these dark times. Some claimed to have seen things and passed the memories and knowledge on to their offspring, should evil ever return. Stories have spread and legends have been told, but are we ever in danger of falling back into black times? Yes we are! Medieval times began with people wanting power and grasping to supernatural means to reach their goals. We stand in the middle of a world at war! Nuclear bombs will rain down on us all one day by the hands of a few, but then in future years to come, legends will be told again to future generations. They will also think it was back then, but what will they have then to be looking out for? We now sit and look at amazing medieval wallpapers on our pc, but it is hard to grasp that ...